Thursday, November 22, 2018



Por parte paterna, mis bisabuelos alemanes se reubicaron en las márgenes del Río Volga, en Rusia. Por parte materna, había tatarabuelos nativos de Argentina (tobas) y aparentemente, españoles e italianos. Sin embargo, los rasgos tiraban mucho más para tierra Turca.

Como tantos de nosotros, mis familias venían por un lado escapando del viejo mundo ó habían sido invadidos y ultrajados en su propio territorio por gente “innovadora”. Sin dudas habrán sufrido heridas físicas. Pero mas que nada, emocionales. Creo que pocos de nosotros debemos haber experimentado el tener que dejar tu tierra natal por hambre, persecución social o que vengan a decirte cómo trabajar la Pachamama a su manera y a punta de cuchillo.

Parte de esta historia que les voy a contar tiene que ver con que creo sin dudas que cada ínfima partícula de materia tiene memoria y que detrás de ello está la razón del por qué existen las cosas tal como son. Una de esas ínfimas partículas de materia, se conoce como célula. Por eso, apoyo la teoría de culturas milenarias que plantean que hay heridas que se heredan de generaciones anteriores y que nuestro trabajo muchas veces, es manifestarlas para poder sanarlas.

Si siguen pensando que son de la Realeza y que los dejaron por error en sus familias; les diría que dejen de esperar a que vengan del Reino de Genovia a buscarlos… y que le empiecen a buscar el sentido a su lugar. Lamento decirles, que no solo heredás esos maravillosos ojos de tu abuela o la sonrisa del abuelo, sino también todo lo que ellos sufrieron y no pudieron gritar.

From dad´s side, my great grandparents were German but they were relocated at Volga´s river side in Russia. From mum´s side, it is said there were some great great grandparents who were Argentinian natives, who mixed with Italians and Spaniards. Though our features always resembled more Turkish…

Like many of us, my ancesters had to leave the “old world” or they were already in this land but were forced by some “innovating minds”. No doubts they might have suffered not only physical but emotional injuries. I don´t think many of us have any idea what is like to leave your motherland because of hunger, social persecution or being invaded by new people who force you to do things their own way while they threatened you with a knife.

Part of this story, has to do with the fact that I always believed that each tiny piece of matter has a memory of its own, and that behind that lays the reason for which thing exist the way they do. One of those tiny pieces of matter is called cell. This is why I always supported ancient cultures that preached each generation inherites the wounds of the previous one. Sometimes we are the key to heal them by manifest them in our own bodies.

So, If you keep thinking that you are Royalty and by mistake left in your family to suffer, I would advice you to stop waiting for “the real one” to come and get you and start understanding the meaning of your presence.

I´m so sorry to tell you this, but not only you inherited your grandma´s beautiful eyes, or your grandpa´s amazing smile, but also everything they suffered silently with no choice to speak it out (...)

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